Photosynthesis (measurement of O2 pressure)
Transpiration of leaves
Glycolysis (measurement of pressure)
Determination of the human visual field
Test of human reaction capacity
Human electrooculography (EOG)
Determination of the isoelectric point of an amino acid (glycine)
Determination of the Michaelis constant
Substrate inhibition of enzymes
Human electrocardiography (ECG)
Phonocardiography: Cardiac & vascular sonic measurement (PCG)
Blood pressure measurement
The Bergmann rule: Heat loss in dependence on body surface area and volume
The conductivity of various water samples
The pH of various water samples
The twenty-four hour rhythm of an aquatic plant
Volumetric measurement of breathing in small animals
Volumetric measurement of breathing in small animals
Human merging frequency and upper hearing threshold
Hearing threshold and frequency differentiating threshold in humans